Monday, October 20, 2008

Unique Light Conditions After the Storm

It was stormy this morning: rain here, snow above about 3,200 feet. There was a window of sun this afternoon: I went out briefly on my bike. The area where Stehekin is (at the head of the lake) was clearly the only place where it was sunny. There was a strange mix of clouds, fresh snow, and blue skies. I snapped a few photos but that didn't capture the strange light conditions very well.

Near the head of the lake, I saw several kinds of ducks, plus geese and herons. I saw one pair of birds further out in the lake that may have been loons—it was hard to tell because they were in shadow. Look closely at the last picture: there is a heron in flight right in front of the nearest cabin.

One of These Geese Is Showing Its Business End

The next couple days are supposed to be clear: I'm probably going to go on an overnight hike tomorrow, as my last hiking hurrah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NicCCcce PictureeZZZ Craig.

I leave to go home in the morning

  I leave to go home in the morning. A person can simultaneously hold seemingly contradictory thoughts and feelings (just ask me how I feel ...