Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Call of the Loon

I heard the unmistakeable call of the loon on the lake today—I've not seen them since I've been here (lots of ducks and geese and gulls), but now that I know they're here, I may poke around the head of the lake tomorrow and see if I can spot any.

Today was a great work (and rest the legs) day: I should easily be able to finish the first movement of the clarinet sonata (the last to be composed) tomorrow. 

I'm becoming increasingly aware of the impending end of my sojourn here—10 more days. I'm eager to be back with my family, of course, but not eager to leave this place.

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I leave to go home in the morning

  I leave to go home in the morning. A person can simultaneously hold seemingly contradictory thoughts and feelings (just ask me how I feel ...