Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More Sunlight and Snow Pictures

Imus House with Fall Colors

Castle Rock Sun and Snow

Fresh Snow Upvalley

Uplake Panorama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mary returned from Portland on Sunday. There was supposed to be a "big storm" hitting the Oregon/Washington coast and I thought of you getting some early snow. It looks like the higher elevations got some snow where you are, but your little house is still beautiful in fall sunshine.

Our first grandson was born Monday morning 9:42am, Duane Ryder Anderson, 7 lbs 12 oz, 22 inches. He will be called "Ryder".

Jo Foy

I leave to go home in the morning

  I leave to go home in the morning. A person can simultaneously hold seemingly contradictory thoughts and feelings (just ask me how I feel ...