Wednesday, October 1, 2008

First work day

(Non music geeks--there is non music geek content below...scroll down.) 

It was a productive day today--I got down to work and devised the scale system for the two pieces I'm going to be working on here. It has some interesting properties: you music people might want to poke around with it and see what they are:


This is an "octave non-repeating" scale, which is typical for me. It actually repeats its pattern every 8 semitones (in other words, the pattern starting from G# is the same as it was starting from C.) So three cycles of 8 = 24, or two octaves. It includes all 12 pitch classes, but over two octaves. You can figure out the rest.

This evening I rode bike (the NPS has one for me) up to Rainbow Falls, which is about 3 miles upvalley from Stehekin Landing, getting there right around sunset. I didn't take the camera, but here is a picture of rainbow falls:

The only problem with bike riding back (it was all downhill) was the million bugs I ate. Dessert!  

I also got some good news by email today: some good friends from Seattle might be able to come and visit while I'm here. All in all, a great day. The only downside is that my watch stopped, and of course, there is nowhere here to get a new battery, or buy a new watch for that matter. And there's no cellphone service, so my phone won't know what time it is either for long. Oh well.


vanguy said...

Thanks for the update - keep 'em coming!

Unknown said...

your phone will be able to tell long as the battery is could always send the watch to some place from seattle

I leave to go home in the morning

  I leave to go home in the morning. A person can simultaneously hold seemingly contradictory thoughts and feelings (just ask me how I feel ...