Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Early Winter

Snow Level is Falling

Castle Rock in Clouds

It has been stormy the last couple days--hard and steady rain, blustery, cold. There was a little window of sun this afternoon and I could see that a lot of snow has fallen in the mountains, with the snow level much lower than it's been up until now--maybe down around 3,500 feet. (For comparison, Stehekin is at 1,200 feet, the ridge straight across the lake from my window is at about 6,000 feet. The high peaks at the head of the Stehekin Valley top 9,000.

I am getting so much composing done--I accomplish in a day what it takes me a week or more to get done in regular life. There is supposed to be a little break in the weather tomorrow--I may hike up toward the high country (east, up the Purple Pass trail) and check out the snow.

1 comment:

vanguy said...

Very nice pics.
Don't forget - even on these little 1/2 day hikes - to take extra food, water and clothes/sleeping bag in case something unexpected happens.

I leave to go home in the morning

  I leave to go home in the morning. A person can simultaneously hold seemingly contradictory thoughts and feelings (just ask me how I feel ...