Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lazing in Chelan

Looking up Lake Chelan from near the town of Chelan

Yesterday was my travel day: today I am "laying up" in Chelan. I pushed the start of my backpacking trip back a day (from today to tomorrow afternoon) due to rain/snow in the forecast.

Chelan is a more appealing town than I remembered. I guess that's because I lived in Seattle the last couple times I was here, and Seattleites scoff at all things Eastern Washington.

I walked about 3-4 miles this morning, snapping this "first light" photo looking uplake. It was about 40 degrees. (I specifically wanted to test out how warm my new Patgonia Capilene 3 baselayer was: I'm relieved--it was quite warm!)

Chelan River (lake is beyond bridge) at first light

Today I set up charge accounts at the supermarkets (for ordering groceries from Stehekin) and buy non-perishable groceries to send up by boat tomorrow morning. Then the real adventure begins tomorrow afternoon. The forecast looks really bad for Wed and Thur. (Cold, rainy, possibly snow in the high country.) But once I endure that mostly clear skies are expected from Saturday on.


Unknown said...

wow dad,

too bad its not beautiful or anything

I'm uber jealous

Unknown said...

Hi Craig,
This must be Craig's Excellent Adventure. Just curious, does being an artist in residence mean you will be singing with the wolves, playing to the pines, or what??
Judy, who will have to be content with singing in the choir!

Craig Weston said...

Composing--although singing is an excellent way to let the bears and wolves know you are there on the trail, so maybe a little singing. I also get to give some presentations about my work for visitors and residents. (There are about 75 permanent residents in the Stehekin valley.)

I leave to go home in the morning

  I leave to go home in the morning. A person can simultaneously hold seemingly contradictory thoughts and feelings (just ask me how I feel ...